Above: This was the current structure of the collection page.
  Above: Improved the filter of the page by adding a clickable filter banner with images so the user could easily see the shapes for both tops and pants.
  Above: Worked with the dev team to change the layout of our product landing pages. We integrated content blocks, to explain and show the shapes as the user navigates down the page. And we built a 2-up slider, so the user can see how the shapes come
  Above: Worked with the dev team to change the layout of our product landing pages. We integrated content blocks, to explain and show the fabric types as the user navigates down the page. And we built a 2-up slider, so the user can see how to care f
  Above: Worked with the dev team to incorporate a fabric swatch on every product description page. We included a close up of the fabric, so the user could get a sense of how it felt. In addition, we used 3 adjectives for each fabric to help convey t
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